Announcement - Leadership Expert and Transformational Coach, William F. Nazzaro, Hit Amazon Best-Seller Lists with “Success”

Think You’re Making Smart Decisions? Your Brain Might Disagree

Have you ever made a snap decision that felt right in the moment but later turned out to be completely wrong? Or spent too much time overanalyzing something trivial?

Welcome to the reality of how your brain actually works.

Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow, breaks down the science of decision-making, revealing why even the smartest leaders fall into cognitive traps. It all comes down to two competing thinking systems that run the show: one is lightning-fast and intuitive, and the other is slow and deliberate. Both are essential. And both can trip you up in ways you don’t even realize.

System 1: Your Brain’s Autopilot (Fast, but Often Wrong)

System 1 is your gut reaction. It’s the part of your brain that jumps to conclusions, fills in gaps, and makes rapid-fire decisions without conscious effort.

It’s why you instinctively know someone is angry just by hearing their tone and why you can complete the phrase "peanut butter and..." without thinking....

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