Announcement - Leadership Expert and Transformational Coach, William F. Nazzaro, Hit Amazon Best-Seller Lists with “Success”

Embracing Your Shadow: Lessons from The Dark Side of the Light Chasers

Some books don’t just land in your lap—they grab you and refuse to let go. In 2024, that’s what happened when I picked up The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford.

I’ll be honest—I didn’t stumble upon this book alone. My coach and mentor, Paul Martinelli, told me, “You need to read this.” He had that look that said, Trust me, this one will mess with you—in the best way possible.

I wasn’t prepared for what followed.

This book challenged and wrecked me.

And I’m not exaggerating. It took me months to get through, which is crazy because I can usually knock out a book in a week or so. But this one? It wouldn’t let me speed through. Every chapter was like a mirror, reflecting things I wasn’t ready to see. Some days, I had to put it down, take a deep breath, and say, Not today, Debbie.

But avoiding it didn’t make it go away. Eventually, I had to face the uncomfortable truth: The parts of myself I...

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