The 7 Critical Things Leaders Must Give Their Teams During Times of Crisis
Leaders need to pivot in times of crisis and pivot quickly. Your focus needs to be on getting your people through the difficult times. There are seven critical things you need to give to your teams.
- STRENGTH: You must be strong and steady without bravado or arrogance. People look to their leaders in times of trouble. Remember, you set the tone.
- TRUTH: You must be truthful and acknowledge the problem at hand. Do not minimize or inflate the situation. They need to hear the information you have regarding the crisis. Lack of information and openness breeds fear. Be open and transparent. Share the information you have with them.
- OPENNESS: You must be human. Superheroes are for movies and comic books. By showing your humanity you show your credibility. Tell them how the crisis has impacted you personally. Share your own concerns with them. This demonstrates that you are in this with them.
- EMPATHY: You must express empathy for your team. Show that you understand their situations and concerns. They need to see that you care.
- DIRECTION: Have a plan of action, state it, and ask for their inputs. They are looking for you to set the direction.
- PARTICIPATION: You have to engage them. To let them remain idle, in a state of fear and worry is debilitating. Encourage them to suggest positive actions they could take. They may have suggestions of how to get through these stormy times. They may have the solution. Enable them to contribute and participate.
- HOPE: You must reassure them. Be strong but pleasant. Give them a positive outcome to look toward. Together you will all get through this in the end.